About Deerpark

Deerpark Security Services Limited is a Kenyan owned first class provider of software and hardware services in the security sector. We have successfully undergone the vetting process from the Kenya Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) and have been awarded a Certificate of Operation in accordance with the new regulations as per Gazette notice No 108 dated 5th July 2019. We are also members of Kenya Security Industry Authority (KSIA).

12+ years of Proud work

Some of our key leadership members have conducted Maritime Security Operations to include numerous escorts and release facilitation of Hijacked Vessels during the Somali Piracy years 2008 to Date

 years of Proud work

Deerpack Objective

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objective image

Deerpack Pricipals


To be a leading Security Services provider in the African Continent by constantly improving the way we handle security challenges in the ever changing times and adapt for the future by always being ready to solve client Security & Safety needs by using the best practical Security initiatives. Going by our Motto Semper Paratus ( Always Ready)


To ensure we provide Tier One Security & Safety solutions across the African Continent by using qualified personnel to solve problems leading to client business continuity and growth.



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